Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Organization Can Interact With the Clients-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Organization Can Interact With the How Clients? Answer: Introducation: The organizations can offer multichannel support through which the clients can interact. Further, the organizations can listen to the online clients on social media as the complaints can be resolved. The clients can engage with the organizations in the support centre. The organizations can respond to the emails. Also, the organization can offer online chat options where the executives can resolve the queries or complaints of the customers on a real time basis (Poggi et al. 2012). Understanding needs of online client needs and securing sales The needs of online clients can be assessed by gathering responses from the participants. Surveys and questionnaires can be administered where the attributes and characteristics of the respondents can be assessed. Further, the clicks and the time spent on a website must be assessed so that the organizations can assess the interests of consumers. Also, the metric such as social media metrics, engagement level and other metrics can help in understanding the need of clients. The products can be promoted and targeted by enhancing Google search results as it is the most used search engine of the customers (Xu and Sundar 2014). Notion of customer service changing over time The customer service scenario is changing overtime. The rise of self-service has risen where the customers can resolve their problems on their own. In this age, as everyone has smartphones in their pockets, the customer service is available 24/7 where consumers can receive support at any time they want. Also, the customer service is available on weekends so that the customers feel someone is ready to hear their grievances at any time. Also, the social media makes the people feel more empowered. With mobile changing the lives, it connects brand and information thereby making the customer experience mobile-friendly (Xu and Sundar 2014). References Poggi, N., Carrera, D., Gavald, R., Ayguad, E. and Torres, J., 2012. A methodology for the evaluation of high response time on E-commerce users and sales.Information Systems Frontiers, 16(5), pp.867-885. Xu, Q. and Sundar, S., 2014. Lights, Camera, Music, Interaction! Interactive Persuasion in E-commerce.Communication Research, 41(2), pp.282-308.

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