Thursday, December 26, 2019

Presidents and Vice Presidents - How They Are Elected

The president and vice president of the United States campaign together and are elected as a team and not individually following the adoption of the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which was drafted to prevent the nations two highest elected officials from being from opposing political parties. The amendment made it more difficult, but not impossible, for voters to elect members of two political parties president and vice president. Candidates for president and vice president have appeared together on the same ticket since the election of 1804, the year the 12th Amendment was ratified. Prior to the adoption of the constitutional amendment, the office of vice president was awarded to the presidential candidate who won the second-largest number of votes, regardless of which political party he represented. In the presidential election of 1796, for example, voters chose John Adams, a Federalist, to be president. Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic-Republican, was the runner-up in the vote count and thus became vice president to Adams. How a President and Vice President Could Be From Different Parties Still, theres nothing in the U.S. Constitution, particularly  the 12th Amendment, that prevents a  Republican from choosing a Democratic running mate or a Democrat from choosing a Green Party politician as her vice presidential candidate.  In fact, one of the nations modern-day presidential nominees came very close to selecting a running mate who wasnt from his own party. Still, it would be extremely difficult for a president to win an election in today’s hyperpartisan political climate with a running mate from an opposing party.   How could it happen? How could the United States end up with a Republican president and a Democratic vice president, or vice-versa?  Its  important to understand, first, that presidential and vice presidential candidates run together on the same ticket. Voters do not elect them separately but as a team. Voters choose presidents primarily based on their party affiliation, and their running mates typically are only minor factors in the decision-making process. So, in theory, the most obvious way for there to be a president and vice president from opposing political parties is for them to run on the same ticket.  What makes such a scenario unlikely, though, is the damage the candidate would sustain from members and voters of his party. Republican John McCain, for example, withered from the â€Å"outrage† of Christian conservatives when they found out he was leaning toward asking U.S. Sen. Joe Lieberman, a pro-abortion rights Democrat who left the party and became an independent. Theres one other way the U.S. could end up with a president and vice president could end up from opposing parties: in the case of an electoral tie where both presidential candidates receive fewer than the 270 electoral votes needed to win. In that case, the House of Representatives would choose the president and the Senate would choose the vice president. If the chambers are controlled by different parties, they would likely pick two people from opposing parties to serve in the White House. Why It's Unlikely thePresident and Vice President Would Be From Different Parties Sidney M. Milkis and Michael Nelson, the authors of The American Presidency: Origins and Development, 1776–2014, describe a â€Å"new emphasis on loyalty and competence and the new care invested in the selection process† as a reason presidential nominees choose a running mate with similar positions from the same party. â€Å"The modern era has been marked by an almost complete absence of ideologically opposed running mates, and those vice-presidential candidates who have differed on the issues with the head of the ticket have hastened to gloss over past disagreements and deny that any exist in the present.† What the Constitution Says Before the adoption of the 12th Amendment in 1804, voters chose presidents and vice presidents separately. When a president and vice  president were from opposing parties, as Vice President Thomas Jefferson and President John Adams were in the late 1700s, many thought the split provided a system of checks and balances just within the  executive branch.   According to the National Constitution Center, though: The presidential candidate who received the most electoral votes won the presidency; the runner-up became the vice president. In 1796, this meant that the president and the vice president were from different parties and had different political views, making governance more difficult. The adoption of Amendment XII solved this problem by allowing each party to nominate their team for president and vice president. Support for Electing Presidents and Vice Presidents Separately States could, in fact, allow separate votes for a president and vice president. But all of them now unify the two candidates on one ticket on their ballots. Vikram David Amar, a law professor at the University of California at Davis, wrote: â€Å"Why are voters denied the chance to vote for a president of one party and a vice president of the other? After all, voters often split their votes in other ways: between a president of one party and a House member or senator of the other; between federal representatives of one party and state representatives of the other.†

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Night - Original Writing - 1118 Words

In the early morning in the magical forest, we lived in a cabin. The sun gleaming through the leafs on the trees, the water glowing blue as it flows down from the melting snow as it falls into the lake. I wake to the piercing sound of a dragon roar. I run down the wooden stairs creaking beneath my feet, and smashing open the door. But realizing there is nothing there. The only thing there is Piper, who is barking to her heart s content. I was probably just imagining things I said to myself. I should probably get you some breakfast Piper. I sit down at my table with paper at my side going on her steak. I noticed we are running out of food. I sigh. looks like we re going to go hunting again. I look at Piper and say stay. I love my†¦show more content†¦I am a fast fluffy wolf. â€Å"What are the chances of that!† Running as fast as I can to get to my cabin. Reaching the cabin I can see it over the horizon. But there is a dragon flying over my house. The dragon catches me out of the corner of his eyes and soars away. â€Å"THAT DRAGON ATTACKED MY HOUSE!† I look at John, â€Å"can you help me fix it?† â€Å"Of course.† I wake to the sound of bashing and hammering. I slowly get up. Yes! No dragon yelling in my face. I should probably tame that dragon. let’s go to the market for supplies. â€Å"ok† We get on our horses and ride of. As we approach the market I watch the fish in the bright blue river. We start walking through the market looking at all the colorful tent tops, But one catches my eye. The one that has two colors. â€Å"That looks interesting.† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Cool it sells magic

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The company policy must include the following procedures in Order

Question: Discuss About the Company Policy Must Include the Following Procedures in Order? Answer: Introducation: In Australia, in order to start hotel business, it is mandatory that the company comply with the legal requirements. The company policy must include the following procedures in order t create and maintain a safe and secure workplace system. The company must obtain a valid business license. Since the company is engaged in selling food to the customers, it is important that the owner of the company may inform the local council about the proper authority such as cafes, pubs, hotels, restaurants, etc. in order to obtain a food license (Smedinghoff 2015). While obtaining the food license one must provide the local council information regarding the type of food, details of the supervisor, the target customers of the food, etc. The employer of the restaurant or the hotel must ensure that the staffs employed have undergone and are well acquainted with the basic training that is required for the workplace. It is one of the significant legal requirements in Australia that the staffs must be well trained in safety of food and in dealing with food, therefore, it is highly imperative that the restaurants or hotel employers comply with such requirement. In case that the staffs are not properly trained, the employer may use manuals to provide instructions to the staff; provide nationally approved training courses. Several states in Australia have made it mandatory to have a Food Safety Supervisor nominated among the staff. The supervisor must be well trained and must possess valid certificates for the training undertaken. In other words, the supervisor must be a certified trainer and is required to be registered before accepting the post. A safety supervisor may be anyone from the trained employees or the employer may appoint outside contractor for the post. Since hotel business is related to food, it is mandatory for the workplace to be authorized as a certified and a safe business, thus, complying with regulations imposed by the Australian government. It is mandatory for any workplace to maintain Data-Security Standards (DSS) to ensure that the data and information relating to the employees, staffs and the customers of the company is safe and secure. In order to secure the data of the company, its employees and customers, it is important that the workplace consider the following safety measures. One such measure includes encryption of credit card is maintained by the company to secure the credit card information of the customers. Another safety method is to segregate the cardholder date from the remaining network (Safa, Von Solms and Furnell 2016). In order to ensure security and safety of the information, the workplace system must maintain an effective information security policy that would address and resolve any information related issues. The workplace system must comply with Australian Privacy Principles as stipulate under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). In case there is a legal requirement to collect and hold sensitive information about the clients, they shall be specifically requested to give their consent for the same. The information about the consumers and the staffs may be used or disclosed for business purpose only and prior consent shall be obtained for the same. The workplace system must ensure that the sensitive and personal information stored, collected or used by the staffs are safe and secure as the staffs are well trained to act in compliance with the statutory requirements of the privacy statements laid down in the Privacy Act (Douglas and Hoskins 2014). The workplace system must ensure that the sensitive and personal information are used or collected or disseminated solely for business purpose or for legal purpose. The customers must be ensured that their personal and sensitive information are immediately deleted or destroyed permanently by using proper secure methods. The information shared or obtained from the customers is not disclosed and the confidentiality of such information is highly maintained unless it is required to complete the customer transaction; express or implied consent is obtained; such dissemination shall prevent any serious threat to life or is require ensuring health and safety of the individual or public (Hameed 2014). In case, there is a suspicion of any illegal activity or grave misconduct, the information shall be disclosed or disseminated. The workplace system must include regular monitoring of the compliance of the legal requirements by the staffs employees and even the customers of the organization. The employer must conduct regular test to ensure that the security equipments and processes are working properly. The employer must plan out the operations of the workplace to ensure high standard of health and safety at the workplace and that the employees do not sustain any injuries and are safe and secured. Reference list Douglas, J. and Hoskins, S., 2014. Members on the move.Bulletin (Law Society of South Australia),36(1), p.42. Hameed, S., 2014. Good Practice Review. Safa, N.S., Von Solms, R. and Furnell, S., 2016. Information security policy compliance model in organizations.computers security,56, pp.70-82. Smedinghoff, T.J., 2015. An Overview of Data Security Legal Requirements for All Business Sectors.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

What was the leading cause of the worldcom scandal Essay Example For Students

What was the leading cause of the worldcom scandal Essay WorldCom If I had to explicate, what the taking cause of the WorldCom dirt in one word, I would state because of megalomania. Megalomania means a individual has an overdone attitude about his qualities and shows inordinate pride and an inordinate aspiration. In 1984, a motel operator with a few other people formed a company titled Long Distance Discount Service. The chief activity of the company was to obtain transmittal capacity on telephone lines and so resell it to the concern proprietors and persons. The instigator of the concern was Bernie Ebbers who had no anterior experience in telecommunication. His construct of concern was: bigger is clearly better. We will write a custom essay on What was the leading cause of the worldcom scandal specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In 1985, the little company started developing outside of Mississippi State. In a affair of 15 old ages, the company bought over 60 companies. In 1995, the name of the company had been changed to WorldCom. Every investing that Bernie Ebbers made required a batch of money, and because the company did non hold adequate hard currency he had to purchase the companies through the company s stocks. Equally long as the monetary values of the stock would travel up he was able to acquire more and more. By October of 1997, Ebbers would hold already bought MCI, one of the largest telecommunication companies. This cost the company 40 billion in stock. For two old ages, the company had a ample net income. In 1990, Ebbers and WorldCom have invested 100s of million of dollars in a batch of luxury investings ; a 500,000-acre cowss spread in British Columbia for $ 65 million, 540,000 estates of Timberland in different provinces for 600 million, a mine-sweeping company for $ 14 million, a luxury yachts for $ 25million. Bernard Ebbers bought all these belongingss merely because he had the money, and non because they were big investings. One of the duties of managers of WorldCom was to look into Ebbers direction of the company, because he had many successful acquisitions the board of managers stopped to command his activity. After the prostration, a court-appointed tester presented two illustrations where the board of managers renounced to their duty to supervise the acquisitions. In 1999, the company bought Skytel communicating for $ 2 billion. The board of managers approved the trade after a 15 proceedingss presentation of the WorldCom direction. In 2000 WorldCom direction buys Intermedia for $ 6 billion the presentation was less than 90 minute. In April 2000 Steven Brabbs who used to be the leader of international finance and control for WorldCom for operations for Africa, Europe and Middle East discovered a journal entry that was non appropriate for an comptroller. The value of the incorrect journal entry was about $ 33.6 million. The fact that the cost of the cost per minute rate of leasing third-party phone lines were fluctuating and the WorldCom would non cognize for several months what is the existent monetary value for the current month, normally they had to gauge the monetary value and sometimes the monetary values were incorrect. Therefore, Brabbs like any other comptrollers made an accrual or a modesty fund in their accounting books to do up for the difference. What happened on Brabbs section was that the Mississippi central offices moved the Accrued Capital Outgo from the disbursals histories and set them into Capital Investments, hence, the net income would go larger, and that would look attractive for the investors. After Braggs saw the mistake and he started naming and inquiring his higher-ups, Yates and Meyers, for an account of the journal entry. Despite perennial petitions, he had non received an account for the journal entry. He continued raising his concerns about the affair. Braggs did non halt at that place and informed the independent hearers of the WorldCom. He had non received a elucidation neither from Arthur Andersen Audit Company, nor from WorldCom direction. The fraud became larger until the internal hearers examined the books in 2002 and they found that the 3.8 billion fraud which brought the prostration of the company. .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde , .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde .postImageUrl , .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde , .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde:hover , .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde:visited , .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde:active { border:0!important; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde:active , .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1ec85b7f45bbd7362e9a1224711dfbde:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ancient Structures: Comparing Egyptian and Mayan EssayCynthia Cooper, one of the WorldCom s internal hearers, has become the heroine of the dirt. After Bernard Ebbers s surrender, Cynthia Cooper began the traditional direction control and she discovered one-fourth after one-fourth the composing methods of routing uneven fiscal entries of Scott Sullivan, the fiscal manager of WorldCom. WorldCom dismissed him and so in 2004 he had been sent to prison for five old ages and three old ages probation. WorldCom accepted the surrender of David Myers, senior frailty president in charge of scrutinizing and he had been sentenced for a twelvemonth and a twenty-four hours. Bernard Ebbers the CEO of WorldCom had been sentenced to prison for 25 old ages, and he lost all his personal assets. Buford Yates the accounting manager had been sentenced and received one twelvemonth and a twenty-four hours in prison. Arthur Andersen, old independent scrutinizing company, had been replaced by one of the rivals KPMG ; the new independent audit house had an highly hard undertaking to take on a comprehensive audit of fiscal histories for 2001 and 2002. The WorldCom sink was tremendous and a high impact on everyone life. The investors after make fulling a case they were able to recover 6.1 billion from different beginnings including investings Bankss. About 300,000 telecommunication workers have lost their occupations. Telecommunications equipment makers suffered at the terminal with layoffs, and diminution of the portion monetary values. In June 1999 at the tallness of his celebrity, WorldCom showed a value about 115.3 billion dollars, the portion monetary value to 62 dollars. In 2002 at NASDAQ, the monetary value of a portion was no more than 0.83 for a rating of about 2.5 billion. Fiscal markets did non really necessitate another dirt. The environment was already negative on international stock exchange, and a new fiscal catastrophe as WorldCom had revitalized frights of investors burned by Enron. In our state they were 95 million American stockholders in pension financess. The stock ownership was no longer protected, and hence the full population was concerned and outraged by the fiscal dirts. The American citizens asked the Congress and the other governamental organisations to seek to happen a solution to the jobs of our society. Security and Exchange Commision enforced some ordinances and introduced the Sabanes Oxley Act in 2002. SOX came up with a major alterations, on doing internal controls and legal and condemnable duty on the CEO and CFO ( main fiscal officers and pull offing managers ) for the quality and effectivity of internal controls within the organisation. This alteration has a major duty on the shoulders of direction companies listed at the Stock market and hence they must take all necessary steps to guarantee the execution of a system of internal controls and the effectivity of the system. Section 404 of the Sarbanes Oxley act presented the involvement the most and it contains 11 rubrics including extra duties of the Board of managers, independent hearers, corporate administration, internal controls assessment and betterment of the presentation of fiscal certification. hypertext transfer protocol: // Corporate Crooks, by Gregg Farrell hypertext transfer protocol: //www. hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: //

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Data Mining in CRM Framework Essay

Data Mining in CRM Framework Essay Data Mining in CRM Framework Management Essay Data Mining in CRM Framework Management Essay Data mining can be used to enhance customer relation management. The technique can be used to identify the trends in key business indicators. To do this, the customers will be classified into several clusters using the RFM model in order to identify high value customers. Data mining will be undertaken through association rules algorithms. Data Mining in CRM Framework for a Health Insurance Company We will thereafter measure the similarity, differences and modified differences for the mined data and base them into three sets, that is, emerging pattern rule, the unexpected change rule and added rule. We will utilize matching rule thresholds to derive all the types of possible rules and further explore the rules that exhibit significant change based on the degree of change under measurement. Current paper shall utilize data mining techniques to discover the spending patterns and the prevailing trends of behavior change. It will help the management to identify the potential changes in customer preferences. Identifying customer trends will help the company in decision making especially with regard to the policy preferred by the customers or will offer crucial insights with regard to the possible changes to policies, or the introduction of new product or services in line with the customer preferences identified through the data mining process. Data mining is a computational process aimed at discovering the prevailing patterns from large data set. This approach is very vital in analyzing critical activities for a firm based on the data available from various sources. This project seeks to analyze data mining applications in customer relations management specifically for health insurance company (Rai, 6). Rationale for Choosing the Topic Customer relation management is a management technique that utilizes company’s data banks to identify the preferences exhibited by their customers. This enables companies to better offer services by aligning their product offering to the customer preferences. For instance,health insurance company can utilize data mining techniques to identify key trends such as customer’s preferred insurance policy among other trends. Identifying this crucial trend is critical to a company’s survival. Selling insurance policy is the main business for insurance companies. Therefore, identifying the right insurance policies is directly influential to company survival. This, therefore, necessitates that clear customer relation management strategies are designed (Levy 6). Numerous research findings have shown that utilizing company data banks by deducing critical information about customers and identifying the underlying trends using classification algorithms and other data mining te chniques is the best technique to manage the existing and or prospecting customers. Problem Statement This paper seeks to identify key customer trends in health care insurance company. Specifically, the paper will use data mining techniques to identify preferred insurance policy and customer spending patterns. Further, the paper will show how health insurance company can utilize information obtained through data mining techniques to enhance customer relation management. Finally, the paper will show how this process can be used to ensure the company, not just survives but also succeeds. Customer Relationship Management Customer relation management is a strategy of customer management that integrates data from sales, marketing and other services. The strategy makes use of procedures and technology to help companies understand their customers better. In addition, the available information can be used to show the customer from different perspectives. Rai (4) identified customer relationship management as a customer centric approach that can help identify customer lifecycle. Rai (34) argued that is the best approach that a company can engage in order to retain customers and achieve customer satisfaction. Customer relation management is a concept that has been used for quite a long time now (Rai, 14). Evolution of data Mining Techniques in Customer Relation Management A huge number of businesses in very diverse industries have used this approach albeit, not in the same form as is done today according to Chorianopoulos and Tsiptsis (23). In the past, companies had to identify and keep customer background, spending habits in unconventional ways for instance memorizing by small businesses or keeping hard copy data for large companies. These companies would thereafter choose promotion strategies among other customer related decision based on this information. This is the same principal today. However, the methods of obtaining information and classifying such information have drastically improved. For instance, companies have a lot of information about their customer obtained from various sources which is stored in company’s data banks. This information can further be classified using specialized computer algorithms (Chorianopoulos and Tsiptsis 46). Using RFM models to Select and Segment Data RFM (Recency, Frequency and Money Value) is the most used model for selection and segmentation of collected data in order to make analysis easy according to Chorianopoulos and Tsiptsis (35). A firm can use RFM models to sort out the customers targeted from a huge list of customers to enable informed decision making. RFM models of data mining have the ability to make huge influences on a company’s success if the information made available is utilized well by a firm. Sung and Sang used the non-transformed RFM values as direct input variables for building models and then categorized customers into groups using cluster analysis. From the corresponding information marketing strategies and other customer, related activities can be planned based on the different customer clusters identified. On the other hand, Goldman argued that using data mining techniques, for instance using the RFM model of data mining has the effect of avoiding the time wasting and helps companies conserve †˜energy’ by pursuing the customers that the company who would offer the company little or no profits. By doing so, companies can generate better returns by focusing all their resources on the segments of customers who would give the companies better profit margins (Chorianopoulos and Tsiptsis 78). Role of Information in Fuelling Business Growth Information plays a very critical in the growth and development of businesses according to research finding by Levy (24). Consequently, the information in businesses databases can be very helpful in ensuring the success of the company. However, this information can only if it is utilized, so trends are deduced from the huge amounts of data. The information in the data bases is obsolete unless elaborate measures are put in place to ensure that it is accessed and grouped such that it shows important indicators and trends in relation to customer experiences and preferences. Once the indicators and trends have been identified, a company can use the information to design strategies that ensure they keep the customers and keep them satisfied too. The success in keeping customers loyal to a brand and satisfied has a direct positive relation with a company’s survival and success regardless of the industry in which the company operates (Levy 23). Proposed Project and Purpose The project that I have chosen involves the use of neural networks to predict the customer retention rate and also give the customer insight. The main aim of this because one of the most significant indicators of the marketing campaign is consumer behavior. This project is aimed at studying the behaviors of the customers so as to predict the retention rate. The project is also meant to give the company a model through which it can judge its market position in the future. This calculation gives the company a chance to calculate the profitability margin of all the portfolios that they have invested in. The process involved will be collecting data and then testing the data collected with data mining tools that will be installed in the system of the Java system used. Criterion Used Neural networks will be the process used to calculate the probability of the customer terminating his or her policy. Once the calculation is done, the results will then be categorized depending on the threshold. The calculation that is most significant result in this process is the ability of the project giving an accurate calculation. For the success of this project to be achieved, the project must give accurate results on the probability. This gives the company an accurate calculation of the performance of the portfolio. The performance of the portfolio then helps the company calculates the profit that is expected (Rai 56). I choose Neural networks over decision trees mainly because neural networks are more accurate than decision trees. Neural networks enable the users to come up with a classification of the results obtained. This will be very important in Insurance as the clients of the company can be classified depending on their probability of cancelling their policy. Decision trees do not allow the user to classify the data depending on the results obtained. This means that the first intention of creating a classification has failed. It is also very easy to create decision trees from the results obtained from neural networks. This means that neural networks enable the user to create a further analysis if the need arises. Decision trees though easy to use have a weakness when it comes to accuracy that is why I chose neural networks. Advantages The main reason why am proposing this particular project is because it has been successfully applied in many applications. Neural networks have been applied in learning, supervised and unsupervised applications with excellent results. The project also has a time saving quality. Neural networks do not require excessive training to learn the algorithm. Once the algorithm is installed in the Java application being used, it does not require any too much training. The results obtained are also very comprehensible and do not require a lot of time to comprehend them. Overcoming Challenges It is expected that there may be an objection that may arise if once the project is explained. One objection that may arise will be associated with the cost implementing the project. Neural networks are more expensive to install than decision trees. This means that anyone who looks at the cost may object the project. The response to this will be to explain the limitations that come with decision trees. It will be on no use installing a program that does not meet the needs of the company (Levy 34). The response to this objection will be to explain that the costs of this project will be recoverable easily in the future. All the necessary research has been carried out. I have also considered all the emerging trends that one needs to consider before engaging in any project. Plan of Activities Major Activities There are a number of activities that will be undertaken as illustrated in the work plan below; Data Collection Before conducting the data mining process, we will first schedule an interview with a client attached to the insurance company headquarters in Boston. The aim of this interview will be lay ground work and assess the prevailing conditions of the company’s data. Data Preparation After laying the ground work, all the available data- all the data that is available and authorized by the company- will be integrated and explored to identify how useful it can be in identifying or predicting the indicators required. Building and Validating Models At this stage, the data mining techniques and models will be built based on the available data and the goals for the project. Deploying the Models This task will basically be involved with putting the selected models into practice. Assessing the Identified Trends This process will involve assessing the trends identified by the data mining techniques in order to aid in the decision making. As mentioned earlier, the main aim of the project is to identify how data mining can influence customer relationship management. At this stage, the trends outputted will be assessed by the management. Data Sources The data to be reviewed will be sourced from the health insurance company data bases. There are numerous sources of data for an insurance company. Any data collected and stored by the company is important and will be used for this project. This include all the data stored in the company’s data bases and any other data collected in other ways, for instance interviews for the purpose of this project (Levy, 34). Special Tasks and Needs System Software To establish patterns and trends in a large set of data, in this case from the huge data base of the health insurance company, software with comparatively complex algorithms and data handling techniques are required to be installed in order for them to monitor and highlight the trends. Such software is available in the different operating systems versions. Technical Experts Data mining is a very delicate operation. Its success relies on the ability to identify the critical variables in the data set and the design of the most effective strategies of utilizing these variables to show or predict trends and patterns. Data mining techniques experts will be required so as to help identify and design the best models for the process. Data Mining Modeling This is by far the most important event. Data mining models are the real value behind the whole process. Regardless of the technique used a good data mining models has the ability to provide user-specific solutions. To identify the best model to utilize, the data mining experts sourced earlier will help the health insurance company management to choose the model that best suits their requirements. Items to be Produced For the purpose of this project, illustrations covering various operations of the data mining process and test reports will be provided. Evaluation This project will be judged based on the applicability and the ability demonstrated to solve the problem identified. The main objective of this project is to demonstrate how data mining techniques and tools can be used by a health care insurance firm to manage its customer relation operations, specifically customer retention rates and offer customer insights. The project success will, therefore, be pegged on the ability to demonstrate ability to use data mining techniques to identify patterns and trends using the most effective models of data mining, the effective application of the model, and the successful use of the trends and patterns identified to influence customer relationship with the insurance company (Rai, 34). Features to be Assessed Data Mining Models The model choice is the most crucial part of the data mining process as identified earlier. The justification and the process of identifying the best model and the subsequent successful use of the model can be assessed as an indicator of the success of the project. The overall effectiveness and success of the project is determined by the success in using the best model. Deliverables The outcome of the project will be the production of neural networks with the capability to assess the customer retention rates for health insurance company. The networks will not only have the capability to predict the probability that a customer will continue or terminate a policy, but will also have the capability to indicate the same even with changes to the costs of the premium. Specifically, there will be two neural networks attached to the two clusters of data- the probability contract will be terminated, and the probability contract will not be terminated cluster. Technical Content live CHAT The CRM theory states that the cost of acquiring new customers is always expensive, therefore, the business will always retain their customers by offering them with favorable policies and benefits that are customer friendly. Therefore, the insurance company will use business intelligence theories to ensure minimal cost of operation with increase database of clients. The business intelligence theories help the insurance company to identify new opportunities by developing types of policy covers that ensure customer satisfaction (Provost and Tom, 109). Predicting Customer Retention Rates To predict the chances that the company will retain its customers, the neural networks will be programmed to output a number between zero and one. This will indicate the probability that the holder of a health insurance policy will terminate the contract or not. Data will then be categorized into different sets based on a predetermined threshold of 0.5. Any figure above the threshold will be categorized under a threat of termination while any figure below the threshold will be categorized under no threat of termination (Levy, 34). In this case, the concern is more on the maximization of profitability by selecting the portfolio with the highest returns while at the same time keeping a good market share. To achieve this, the threshold will be set where the predicted rates of termination will be equal to the actual rates of termination. A threshold of 0.204 is set to predict an actual termination rate of 14.7 percent. This will produce an accuracy of 85 %. Further, to enhance the ability of the neural networks to predict the termination rate when premiums are varied, individual clusters will be subdivided into different bands. On the other hand, to improve the accuracy of the predictions, clusters will be split at the point where accuracy starts to reduce. This will isolate the policy holders based on the significance of the increase in premiums. Two separate neural networks will be deployed for each of the clusters to improve the prediction accuracy. Data mining techniques can be successfully used to help the company manages its customer relations. The techniques utilize the huge amounts of raw data which is correlated and segmented using specialized computer software into clusters. From this, patterns and trends of consumer behaviors can be deducted. For this project, raw data from health care insurance company was utilized to identify the rates of customer retention as well as to give different insights into consumer behaviors. This information can then be used by management to design customer relation strategies. The successes of these strategies have a direct impact on the success of the business, in this case, the health insurance company.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Hinduism Essays - Indian Philosophy, Mindbody Interventions

Hinduism Essays - Indian Philosophy, Mindbody Interventions Hinduism Hinduism Hinduism is such a complex religion it is a very difficult topic for individuals to study. The fact that Hindus have no specific God and they have so many different belief systems made it difficult for me to interpret. Hinduism is considered one of the world?s largest religions?s and was created in the Indian subcontinent. Hinduism is not just a religion; it is more so the way of life. It has its own beliefs and traditions. It is a group formed of diverse traditions and has no specific supernatural being or no single holy text. According to Huxley (2010) ?Hinduism unites the worship of many gods with a belief in a single divine reality? (p. 78). Hindus also believes that on the death of the body the soul passes to or is reborn in another body, which is reincarnation. Sense Hindus have a strong believe in reincarnation they do not determine death as the end of life or a fear, instead they acknowledge death as a resurrection of the soul. They do not focus death on fear. Hinduism is suc h a powerful religion that it has persuaded the world with its informed beliefs. This particular religious group has a freedom of practice and belief. Hinduism has been a huge influence amongst the world for many years. It is a known religion that has created practices such as Yoga, Tantra, Karma, and so on. It is a religious tradition that could never really be categorized with any specific belief system for instance, theism, monotheism, and so forth. Hindus believe that there is only one supreme spirit ?Brahman?. On the other hand, it does not indicate that they worship a particular deity. For spiritual growth or advice Hindu seeks what they call ?Guru?, which is a spiritual teacher. For example, Christians and other religious groups have priest and Hindus have Guru?s. Within Hinduism there are many gods and goddesses that could all represent some form of Brahman. Hindus adore animals, spirits, and trees. Hindus are very devoted to respecting animals, in fact they believe that they were once human or either will be human in another life. Within Hinduism it is said that different individuals requires different spiritual paths and that individual?s personality can help establish the type of yoga to practice. The first yoga is the Jnana Yoga, which means ?Knowledge Yoga?. It is a yoga that is appropriate for priests. Then there is the Karma Yoga, which refers to ?Action Yoga?. This particular yoga helps a person gain a sense of wanting to do things out of passion rather than doing something in returns of a reward. This type of yoga suggests when work is performed unselfishly; the reward is greatness or perfection. Another yoga practice is Bhakti Yoga, which is ?Devotion Yoga?. It is a form of yoga that fosters love and faith. It can engage expressions of devotion such as, food offerings, chants, songs, and so on. There is the Raja Yoga, which stands for ?Royal Yoga?. This practice promotes meditation. It is a yoga that gives a person some mental stability and helps one gain a sense of peace. An additional yoga practice is the Hatha Yoga, which means ?Force Yoga?. Hatha Yoga includes exercises that make a long meditation period easier to follow; which includes balancing, stretching, and breathing techniques. A different form of yoga is Kundalini Yoga, which is a combining of the hatha yoga and the raja yoga. Kundalini Yoga shows that there are seven psychic centers, called Chakras. Huxley (2010) noted that ?the chakras are centers through which energy rises from the base of the spine to the crown of the head? (p. 95). Chakras help increase insight and joy during meditation There are many cultural and societal influences that have made Hinduism vital to the region in which it originated. India was a land that was a full of diverse cultures, races, and religions. Hinduism brought tranquility to the land; they believed in nonviolence. Many intruders of the region influenced the development of Hinduism over the centuries. The intruders that invaded India, their religion of Vedas persuaded the indigenous beliefs of Hinduism. The Hindu culture is vegetarian which is also an influence that encourages

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Selection Process Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Selection Process - Term Paper Example le applicant would have, the type of fit that would make the applicant the right person for the specific job, compares the job description with the expectations of the position, and explicates whether the job description aligns with the skills, background, and fit needed to excel in this position. Attributes that I might seek as a nurse manager not outlined in the job description are also outlined in this paper and how I could elicit this information during an interview. Selection as defined by Lussier and Hendon (2013) is "The process of choosing the best qualified applicant recruited for a job" (p. 197). The selection process in my organization commences after applicants apply for an advertised position. Since many applicants apply for a single opening, there is need for evaluating the suitability of the candidates by the Human Resource Personnel in order to identify the best candidates from the large pool of applicants. The chosen candidates are sent for interviewing by a committee chosen by the Board of Directors comprising of Human Resource manager, Nurse managers, and a few other healthcare providers particularly in the nursing field. The nurse managers evaluates the familiarity of applicants as well as their aptitude in terms of expertise with nursing equipments (Markey and Tingle, 2012). Human resource personnel are responsible for ensuring the interviews are conducted within the set organization and federal guidelines. The committee then se nds a recommendation to the Board for the final pronouncement (Rosdahi and Kowalski, 2008). This election process is highly effective. Selecting individuals who are knowledgeable and well acquainted with all equipments involved in nursing is imperative as this helps prevent unnecessary medical errors (Rosdahi and Kowalski, 2008). The fact that nurse managers have the role of testing the skills and abilities of the applicants makes the process effective. Human Resource personnel are knowledgeable in legal matters